A man in yellow vest standing on top of a box.

Replacement of Existing Equipment

Wilgro is comprised of two departments – service and install. Installation projects are typically reserved for customers with a preventative maintenance agreement in place. Although we strive to help you extend the useful life of your HVAC equipment, we will recommend replacement if the condition of the equipment is beyond economical repair.

While maximizing the useful life of existing equipment is typically the most financially prudent option, sometimes system replacements are necessary. A run to failure approach is not always feasible if there is a lack of redundancy. In comfort cooling and heating systems, there typically are no such back-ups in place. In this situation, running to fail is a problem if the failure of the equipment will cause a monetary loss. This loss could be of revenue, loss of time, loss of production, or increased cost associated with emergency replacement or repairs.

A large air conditioner being lifted off the roof.